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Welcome to

Scouting Ireland

Scouting Ireland is one of the largest national youth organisations in Ireland, dedicated to the development of life skills for young people. Since 1908, young people in Ireland have been involved in the Scouting movement. Today, our Scout Groups involve over 26,500 young people and 10,000 volunteers across Ireland.

Scouting Ireland aims to nurture the personal development and non-formal education of young people through the Scout Method, which is an approach unique to Scouting throughout the world.

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Skills for Life!

Scouting Ireland enables young people to build the skills they need to maximise life's opportunities.

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Your child and Scouting 

What will you child get from participating in scouting Irelands activities all around the country and abroad? 

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Scouting Impact on youth.

Emotional Development 

Increased confidence, positivity, maturity and patience

Personal Development 

Teamwork, leadership, time management, independence, responsibility, respect and teaching

Social Skills

Increased friendships, improved sociability and people skills

Practical Skills 

First aid, cooking, navigation, budgeting, problem-solving, critical thinking

Research carried out by Scouting Ireland with its Youth Members in 2015.

What our Scouts Say: 

Annual Camp

I love going away with my friends on annual camp

Age 14

It's just so much fun!

My favourite thing about Scouts is how friendly everyone is and you can come down every week and it’s just so fun

Age 12

Absolutely Superb!

My favourite thing about Scouting has to be the people involved in Scouting and the friends I have made along the way. I’ve been in Scouts for 17 years, started in Beavers and worked my way up to Rovers, the friends you make are friends for life”

Age 20

Making memories

I love Scouts because I love camping and making memories with my friends

Age 15

Lots of friends

My favourite thing about Scouts is having a lot of friends

Age 11

The opportunity to grow

I’ve always enjoyed the fact that Scouting has given people like me the opportunity to grow, to go to different places, to learn, and find a group of people they can enjoy themselves with

Age 15

We are dedicated to keeping Scouts Safe.

We are dedicated to the saftey of our volunteers & members so that everyone can enjoy themselves as safely as possible.

Want to get Involved?

We have 12,000 volunteers across Ireland.
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