A great initiative from the 35th Dublin Scout Group. Have a read below:
For over 40 years the leaders in the 35th Dublin have gone out carol singing to raise much needed funds for the local St. Vincent de Paul conferences in the parish. It all started with a few leaders calling to houses in the parish and collecting for the charity.
After a few years it was decided to change what we were doing so we decided to sing and collect in some of the local pubs in the area. This has been our method and we now have a regular number of pubs, 10 or 12, in the Harold's Cross, Crumlin and Drimnagh area. We normally pick the last Thursday before Christmas and we usually raise between €1,200 and €1,300 in about 3 hours between 8.30 pm. and 11.30 pm.
This year, at the suggestion of our Group Leader, Stuart Dunne, it was decided to do something different, and we got a permit from the Garda to sing in Grafton Street on Wednesday, 10th December from 6 pm to 10.00 pm. This meant that the younger scouts and ventures could be part of the fund-raising effort.
We sang from 7.00 pm to 8.15 pm and in that short time we raised €1,000. The leaders decided to keep the pub collection going and on Thursday, 21st December a group of almost 20 leaders and friends raised €1,520.00 in about 3 hours.
A total of €2,520.00 was raised for The St. Vincent de Paul in Donore Avenue, an amazing result for a most deserving charity.
Food hampers were also made up by the scouts and these were distributed to needy families in the parish before Christmas also by The St. Vincent de Paul.