10th January 2024
Dear Members,
Since April 2022, Scouting Ireland has been assisting the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) to house Ukrainian people seeking refuge in Ireland, by making the indoor accommodation available in our National Scout Centres.
In recent weeks, the DCEDIY has requested additional shelter for incoming refugees in Castle Saunderson Scout Centre. In keeping with our Scout Law and Promise and recognising our duty to supporting those who need our help, we are willing to provide sanctuary to refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine at Castle Saunderson, should it be deemed an appropriate location by the Department. Castle Saunderson Scout Centre would continue to be open to all members for camping and all other Scouting activities and a Safeguarding Risk Assessment would be conducted.
We know it is inconvenient for our groups, but we also know that you will not be found wanting in supporting those who need our help, and in supporting our government as they seek to provide refuge during these unprecedented times.
We will keep you updated on any progress in relation to this matter.
Yours in Scouting
Ned Brennan
Chairperson/Company Director