The Fifth Annual Remembrance Day took place in Larch Hill on Sunday 23rdJune 2024, two of which were Zoomed due to COVID-19.
The ceremony commenced with the Laying of a Wreath at the Lancastria Memorial Plot, by the Malahide Sea Scout Group with John Lawlor giving a condensed history of the ship and the part it played in the CBSI Pilgrimage to Rome in 1934. Incidentally, the surplus funds from the Pilgrimage went toward the purchase of Larch Hill in 1938.
Following the Wreath Laying members of Scouting Fellowship Patrols, Scouters from Groups and Teams, the 66th Naomh Eoin Scout Group, Clontarf and the Colour Party provided by the Malahide Sea Scout Group and led by Piper Pat Murphy formed up and paraded to the Mass Lawn.
During the naming of recently deceased members the Flag was lowered, the Symbols of Scouting (a Rucksack, a Compass and a Pair of Boots) were displayed and the Scout Sign “I have Gone Home “ constructed.
A Pipers Lament by Pat Murphy followed by a Minute's Silence was observed and the Flag hoisted.
Scout songs were sung led by John Lawlor, Scout Readings and Reflections were read by Kiernan Gildea, Ken Ramsey, John McCormack and Brian Doyle.
The event was organised by Bill James (Team Lead), Geraldine Smith (Administration) and Frank Dempsey (Refreshments).
Larch Hill provided Tables and Stools and Pat Hollingsworth supplied the PR Amplification.
Seán Farrell acted as MC for the Ceremony.
It is envisaged that this event will grow in the years ahead and will allow Scouting Ireland a befitting way to remember and honour its past members.
Yours in Scouting,
Seán Farrell.
25th June 2024.
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